
Just walked off the job with 3 other coworkers!

My manager fired 3 employees last week because “they weren’t worth it anymore.” Aka they were there the longest and got paid more than the rest of us. We figured they would replace them. NOPE! Just gonna try to make it work with us 4. Well after a few days of this, we decided enough was enough and all quit together. My managers face was priceless. He can do everything is that fucking Pizza Hut himself now.

My manager fired 3 employees last week because “they weren’t worth it anymore.” Aka they were there the longest and got paid more than the rest of us. We figured they would replace them.


Just gonna try to make it work with us 4.

Well after a few days of this, we decided enough was enough and all quit together. My managers face was priceless.

He can do everything is that fucking Pizza Hut himself now.

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