
just wanna say what up to those learning a new skill… I was at a well known diy store and had sh#this interaction

So I need blinds… I go and almost immediately am like “boom. Those.” text my gf and she also says (unpromted) “boom. Those.” So I'm not handy or anything so I go to the desk and it's almost like. I've intruppted something… So I apologize… To the man on my left who is looking like he wants to help and stumble around asking how pricing works on custom blinds, I think it came out something like “so if I were to add… Uh… What is the most for blinds” yep my brain doesn't work most times. There are 3 people Left ro right New guy (older, skinny, maybe 55-60?) Manager, we'll call her Gilda (mid 40s, sternish, short responses, to the point, wants to gtfo of holding new guys hand) Other dude, we'll call him Dennis (early 50s (bigger, louder, on the phone amongst the entire time) So Gilda looks…

So I need blinds… I go and almost immediately am like “boom. Those.” text my gf and she also says (unpromted) “boom. Those.”

So I'm not handy or anything so I go to the desk and it's almost like. I've intruppted something… So I apologize… To the man on my left who is looking like he wants to help and stumble around asking how pricing works on custom blinds, I think it came out something like “so if I were to add… Uh… What is the most for blinds” yep my brain doesn't work most times.

There are 3 people

Left ro right

New guy (older, skinny, maybe 55-60?)

Manager, we'll call her Gilda (mid 40s, sternish, short responses, to the point, wants to gtfo of holding new guys hand)

Other dude, we'll call him Dennis (early 50s (bigger, louder, on the phone amongst the entire time)

So Gilda looks at me and in a very adult-to-child way says, “are you asking how much blinds cost?”

I laugh because I'm an idiot and say, “that's the one! Sorry, always sounds great in my head!”

She then kinda just metaphorically says “go for it” to the new guy…

New guy is very bumbly and awkward, but extremely nice and obviously wants to help. As I'm standing there for maybe an additional minute, he's asked her 3 good questions and with each one, you can see her getting antsy, “when in doubt check the paper,” she had said a few times…

The paper was (I assume) a checkout customer checklist that looked more like a packet.m with highlighted parts throughout.

OK I'm gonna tldr the rest cuz it's already too long…

Gilda leaves out of nowhere with no explication.

I find the chair on the side of New guys desk and sit down next to him so I can see his screen.

I start trying to help him learn to navigate a computer/this companies check out screens… He needs to print something= print icon in that gray toolbar, etc.

For me, I was extremely happy to do it, this new guy is LEARNING A BRAND FCKNG NEW SKILL.

Gilda never came back… Dennis has been loudly talking on the phone until the last few minutes when he gets off, looks over and new guy finally can ask for help… Dennis comes over, clicks through 5-7 different checkout screens, hits print, I scan my card, he hits print again, I go on my way.

New guy has learned nothing and waisted 20 minutes in the process.

To all the new people out there, please hang on, it's often not u, it's the people who are teaching you that suck.

Best of luck

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