
“Just wear a mask”

Yesterday a coworker of mine called us after leaving the ER. She had strep and the doctor told her, “don't worry about an excuse, just wear a mask and go to work”. Fucking excuse me? This poor woman sounded terrible. I could barely understand her over the phone and her doctor said, “it's fine.” She refused to come in, my boss was wonderful and told her thank you for caring but a literal doctor told her to go to work with strep? Even doctor's don't give a single shit about workers, he refused to give her an excuse to avoid spreading STREP THROAT. Fuck. What is going on in this world??

Yesterday a coworker of mine called us after leaving the ER. She had strep and the doctor told her, “don't worry about an excuse, just wear a mask and go to work”. Fucking excuse me? This poor woman sounded terrible. I could barely understand her over the phone and her doctor said, “it's fine.” She refused to come in, my boss was wonderful and told her thank you for caring but a literal doctor told her to go to work with strep? Even doctor's don't give a single shit about workers, he refused to give her an excuse to avoid spreading STREP THROAT. Fuck. What is going on in this world??

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