I live I Europe and as I read so many of these posts on here and wonder if it’s just the USA who has such a poor cultural mentality to working?
It seems that as soon as they are on the payroll, they are expected to give up their life to your employer. They may be paid for 9-5, Monday to Friday but expected to come in and help on days off, stay late or come in early, jump into action at short notice and cancel any life commitments to ‘show you are a team player’. In return they get Minimal paid annual leave (I get 6 weeks a year), you are only allocated a number of days a year to be sick without penalties(we have sick pay) and maternity leave is none existent (I get one year).
I understand a hard working person can do well in America, but it’s seems to come at a cost of your family, health and social life.
Is this living?
(and don’t get me started on the medical insurance system….)