
justice system only for the rich

As a lowley 22 year old stuck in the probation system i have found that there truly is no justice in america, firstly going to court judt to find out that because i make above 1000 dollars a month im not entitled to a court appointed attorney you know even though most of my monthly income goes to my rent and food. Second the probation system is just a scam to keep people struggling down i was told by my PO if i dont sign up for these classes averaging at 250 dollars (on top of payments of 280 a month) in the next to months i will be revoked from probation, i told her im sorry i have been struggling to make ends meet and have been trying to save for the classes to which she replied “try working more hours” im sorry but my job limits me to…

As a lowley 22 year old stuck in the probation system i have found that there truly is no justice in america, firstly going to court judt to find out that because i make above 1000 dollars a month im not entitled to a court appointed attorney you know even though most of my monthly income goes to my rent and food. Second the probation system is just a scam to keep people struggling down i was told by my PO if i dont sign up for these classes averaging at 250 dollars (on top of payments of 280 a month) in the next to months i will be revoked from probation, i told her im sorry i have been struggling to make ends meet and have been trying to save for the classes to which she replied “try working more hours” im sorry but my job limits me to 40 hours a week it was almost like being told “just go make more money”. These people really want to see you fail i have to uber to every drug test they make me take, about 4 a month, on top of that these tests often make me late for work (the job im supposed to get more hours at). I havent taken a day off in a month i havent left my apartment to do anything other than work in 4 months. The craziest part is my “crime” is legal in 45 other states so its just a preference and i have witnessed personally people with harsher sentences than me get off easier as a result of their amazing lawyer who they can actually afford and lenient judges. Im not saying i dont deserve it for being stupid but why put anyone in a position where their choice is eating/having shelter or possibly go to jail for not paying a fee

Just extremely tired and depressed minute of raving.

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