
Justified in losing my job?

Lmk if this is on the wrong sub. A couple years ago I worked at a place with 3 employees total and 1 on shift at a time. I broke my wrist in a dirtbike accident and told my boss that I would not be able to work for at least a week. He said he ‘has to let me go’ so he can find another employee. I told my family I was fired for an injury and to this day they stand by that my boss was justified in his decision and that I wasn’t fired, I was “let go”. I just wanted to know if this is even legal or justified so if it happens again I know whether or not to fight it. Ps my boss never asked for a doctor note or anything if that matters.

Lmk if this is on the wrong sub.

A couple years ago I worked at a place with 3 employees total and 1 on shift at a time. I broke my wrist in a dirtbike accident and told my boss that I would not be able to work for at least a week. He said he ‘has to let me go’ so he can find another employee. I told my family I was fired for an injury and to this day they stand by that my boss was justified in his decision and that I wasn’t fired, I was “let go”. I just wanted to know if this is even legal or justified so if it happens again I know whether or not to fight it.

Ps my boss never asked for a doctor note or anything if that matters.

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