
Karen, your days are numbered, or the death toll for “customer is always right” is here!

I'm a fast food manager. First 5 years was McDonald's and that's where I discovered there's a type of person who can only feel powerful by attacking those they know can't fight back at risk of job. You call them Karen, I call them entitled freeloading dregs of society trying to weasel free things by blackmail. But this type seems to gravitate towards minimum or low wage workers in restaurants, fast food, and retail in general. A great example is at McDonald's during rushes, we had rules that were mandatory to keep drive thru moving, like the obvious no large bills but NEVER EVER take one during rush for small orders as it empties drawer. So when woman comes through during comic con rush with $100 bill for $4 order, I asked if she had card after apologizing for not having change to break it. She starts screaming I'm an…

I'm a fast food manager. First 5 years was McDonald's and that's where I discovered there's a type of person who can only feel powerful by attacking those they know can't fight back at risk of job. You call them Karen, I call them entitled freeloading dregs of society trying to weasel free things by blackmail. But this type seems to gravitate towards minimum or low wage workers in restaurants, fast food, and retail in general. A great example is at McDonald's during rushes, we had rules that were mandatory to keep drive thru moving, like the obvious no large bills but NEVER EVER take one during rush for small orders as it empties drawer.

So when woman comes through during comic con rush with $100 bill for $4 order, I asked if she had card after apologizing for not having change to break it. She starts screaming I'm an evil white bitch, GM hears and comes over then gives her coupons for free food as he comps her order and apologizes. I was BEYOND pissed and GM knew, so took me aside to say he didn't want a complaint or customer loss.

Strange as I was under impression a customer is defined as one who pays for their food…

But that was then.

Back when they told us how replaceable we were, before so many left and it was discovered they actually had to pay fair wage to get anyone to even appt, much less stay. Once virus hit and labor was cut less than half previous, NOW they need us even more than we need them and with that comes POWER WE'VE ONLY IMAGINED BEFORE!


Shutting down store because of delivery. Naturally those who drive to store are annoyed we closed early to do ONLY delivery as the two of us can't handle all the orders alone. Before they call corporate, we get in trouble for turning away customers. Now we hear nothing even when we decided to close at 1130 new years Eve with long line of cars because we were done after virus knocked out half the 8 we still had.

Or GM and I were listening to phone complaint about how customer told shift lead order wrong and she replied she didn't get paid enough to deal with him. He demanded GM who agreed they didn't get paid enough and walked away. She was GM, I was shift lead day in question so she asked him to clarify it was us on that date. It was actually a sister store, not us, he just wanted to vent because even corporate did nothing when hearing that.

Had guy try ordering after close and when told we weren't open, he began demanding we take his order as he was in line before close. (He wasn't, I checked at closing time and there was only car at board we were helping). He's screaming IM NOT LEAVING WHATCHA GONNA DO. When GM heard complaint that my response to that was “I'm going to go eat a taco and laugh at thought of you driving home hungry”, she laughed till soda shot out her nose and gave me a high five.

I have so many other small examples that seem to point towards FINALLY throwing out the customer always right crap that has led to a nation full of entitled jerks, st least in fast food at this moment. I truly hope that momentum continues.

Do any other job types notice the trend as much as the favorite Karen prey has? Or do you see it more in public in situations not job related?

Am I the only one feeling I no longer have to quietly accept being treated badly by the public?

Anyone else feel like you have more power now to match energy rather than smile and take it?

If so….

Isn't it AWESOME for a change?


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