
Keeping it brief for now, will update as needed.

Keeping it brief so as not to incriminate myself or the company that I’m currently employed with. Live in CO, USA, been employed since March 8, realized my paycheck was shorted a huge amount so I reached out to HR, found out they actually owed me more, further digging showed that they also lost my W4, even though I’m on camera filling it out in front of my branch manager and being told that “everything is good” after doing so. What can/should I do? So far, I just have screenshots from today’s email chain and of my direct deposit. Thanks

Keeping it brief so as not to incriminate myself or the company that I’m currently employed with. Live in CO, USA, been employed since March 8, realized my paycheck was shorted a huge amount so I reached out to HR, found out they actually owed me more, further digging showed that they also lost my W4, even though I’m on camera filling it out in front of my branch manager and being told that “everything is good” after doing so. What can/should I do? So far, I just have screenshots from today’s email chain and of my direct deposit. Thanks

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