
kind of cheesy, but thank you all, this sub might’ve saved me

I’ve been scrolling this sub for a while now, reading all your experiences, seeing how bullshit the current work climate is in this country and how we’re all effectively being used and in a shocking amount of cases, abused. I finally put in my notice today, just now actually, texted my boss and thats it. I just want to thank everyone on here who was willing to share their experiences, what they’ve been through and the ones who gave advice to anyone in a similar situation. This sub has opened my eyes, I started to see just how much I was being used, underpaid, and undervalued. So I got a new job, it took some time, but I finally did it. Thank you guys and gals of antiwork, we’re all in this together and you all are making a difference!!

I’ve been scrolling this sub for a while now, reading all your experiences, seeing how bullshit the current work climate is in this country and how we’re all effectively being used and in a shocking amount of cases, abused.

I finally put in my notice today, just now actually, texted my boss and thats it. I just want to thank everyone on here who was willing to share their experiences, what they’ve been through and the ones who gave advice to anyone in a similar situation.

This sub has opened my eyes, I started to see just how much I was being used, underpaid, and undervalued. So I got a new job, it took some time, but I finally did it. Thank you guys and gals of antiwork, we’re all in this together and you all are making a difference!!

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