
Kleptocrats use their wealth to lobby against wealth taxes and socially murder the public without recourse

The ruling kleptocrat class will neither entertain the notion of wealth taxes, nor accurately diagnose the issue (on any level) that they are socially murdering the public and working classes, with no recourse. Their domination is so absolute that even the words “kleptocrat” and “social murder” are taboo in regular social, political, and media discourse. As a result, the public neither has the language to understand what's being done to them, let alone the social or political understanding or resources to change the situation. And that is a social contract that the ruling kleptocrats expect everyone to abide by without complaint – just the public being enslaved and socially murdered forever, without people fully understanding what's happening, let alone fighting back.

The ruling kleptocrat class will neither entertain the notion of wealth taxes, nor accurately diagnose the issue (on any level) that they are socially murdering the public and working classes, with no recourse.

Their domination is so absolute that even the words “kleptocrat” and “social murder” are taboo in regular social, political, and media discourse.

As a result, the public neither has the language to understand what's being done to them, let alone the social or political understanding or resources to change the situation.

And that is a social contract that the ruling kleptocrats expect everyone to abide by without complaint – just the public being enslaved and socially murdered forever, without people fully understanding what's happening, let alone fighting back.

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