
Know Your Rights: In some states, it is perfectly legal for you request and view your personnel file.

I am NOT a lawyer. I am speaking from my personal experience and NOT advising you to do anything illegal. In my state it is my right to request access AND copies of my personnel file up to 3 years past my last date of work. In my state failure to provide timely access to my personnel file carries some civil penalties. I have had a few (bad) employers that I have used this against, most willingly complied. A former employer can likely view this as a prelude to a lawsuit, but if you’ve left the job anyway…this is one thing to jam them up with even further. Let them be the one that loses a night’s sleep for a change. The most it took was a simple written request, sent via certified letter (to ensure a record of delivery for my records). Informational only, please know your rights…

I am NOT a lawyer. I am speaking from my personal experience and NOT advising you to do anything illegal.

In my state it is my right to request access AND copies of my personnel file up to 3 years past my last date of work. In my state failure to provide timely access to my personnel file carries some civil penalties. I have had a few (bad) employers that I have used this against, most willingly complied. A former employer can likely view this as a prelude to a lawsuit, but if you’ve left the job anyway…this is one thing to jam them up with even further. Let them be the one that loses a night’s sleep for a change. The most it took was a simple written request, sent via certified letter (to ensure a record of delivery for my records).

Informational only, please know your rights and exercise them properly.

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