
lab still in the 1990s

I work in a water quality lab. The company started in the 90s nothing has been updated or taken care of unless it's absolutely integral to the lab getting results out. We still use windows 2000, there are broken and missing floor tiles. I genuinely don't think the place has been mopped in 5 years the floors are absolutely covered in grime, there are areas of dust 1/2 inch thick. Definitely some dangerous chemicals unlabeled. I know OSHA regulations are being broken but I don't know what to do about it. We're also paid criminally low for the work we do, you have to have a degree to work here but we're paid the state minimum wage. Which has resulted in there only being people who were with the company when it started and a revolving door of relatively fresh college graduates. I've worked for two different environment related government…

I work in a water quality lab. The company started in the 90s nothing has been updated or taken care of unless it's absolutely integral to the lab getting results out. We still use windows 2000, there are broken and missing floor tiles. I genuinely don't think the place has been mopped in 5 years the floors are absolutely covered in grime, there are areas of dust 1/2 inch thick. Definitely some dangerous chemicals unlabeled. I know OSHA regulations are being broken but I don't know what to do about it. We're also paid criminally low for the work we do, you have to have a degree to work here but we're paid the state minimum wage. Which has resulted in there only being people who were with the company when it started and a revolving door of relatively fresh college graduates. I've worked for two different environment related government entities and they're were more well funded and efficient than this.

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