
Labor Day achievements

Where I live, in Western Australia, Labor day approaches. It has different days around the world, otherwise International Workers Day is May 1st. It celebrates the achievements of workers collectively, to seize their rights to bargain collectively and live how they choose. In Australia specifically it celebrates the 8 hour work day, among other rights. In America though, I wonder how much of what was won in the 18th and 19th Centuries has been lost. You still have a Federal holiday in September to honour the achievements of workers, but how many people think about what that day is for? When I see in some places Unions are illegal, or people bitterly complain about how corrupt they are, I'm not sure American's fully understand the purpose or the power of the social labor movement, an international one at that. My own union not only has national links around Australia, but…

Where I live, in Western Australia, Labor day approaches. It has different days around the world, otherwise International Workers Day is May 1st. It celebrates the achievements of workers collectively, to seize their rights to bargain collectively and live how they choose. In Australia specifically it celebrates the 8 hour work day, among other rights.

In America though, I wonder how much of what was won in the 18th and 19th Centuries has been lost. You still have a Federal holiday in September to honour the achievements of workers, but how many people think about what that day is for?

When I see in some places Unions are illegal, or people bitterly complain about how corrupt they are, I'm not sure American's fully understand the purpose or the power of the social labor movement, an international one at that. My own union not only has national links around Australia, but international links. We sent aid to our sister Unions in Ukraine, as did other Unions from around the globe. That's what a Union is at it's simplest, people helping people, having each others backs.

You don't ask for permission to Unionize from anyone other than the people who would be part of your Union. And yes, people might lose their jobs in that fight. It is why we have Labor Day, to celebrate the collective work of the people in winning their hard earned rights. And the social labor movement isn't done, we continue to fight for the rights of disenfranchised people, and to improve our own situations. We might be nicer about it nowadays, but we should never forget the blood that was shed to win these rights.

People celebrate Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, Memorial Day and dozens of other days around the world to remember how their freedom was won during wars. But when your Labor Day arrives, you should take the time to remember how your rights were won by people under the yoke of Capitalist oppression.

If you're serious about ending work as we know it, it won't be done individually. You need to collectivize. And when you see other Unions being bullied by corporations or government, you lend out a hand, take to the streets in protest. Power to the people.

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