
Labor rights education?

I teach high school industrial tech. We're coming up on the end of the school year and I want to finish by helping students understand their rights and value as part of the workforce. I have the NLRB and my state's labor board (CA) websites as resources, but I'm also looking for some good info graphics or YouTube videos that might be accessible to teenagers. Also, to keep the question open-ended, what would you like to see more of in terms of student education around labor issues? How can us teachers do better?

I teach high school industrial tech. We're coming up on the end of the school year and I want to finish by helping students understand their rights and value as part of the workforce. I have the NLRB and my state's labor board (CA) websites as resources, but I'm also looking for some good info graphics or YouTube videos that might be accessible to teenagers.

Also, to keep the question open-ended, what would you like to see more of in terms of student education around labor issues? How can us teachers do better?

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