
Lack of training. At a loss of what to do.

I’ve been with this new role a little over six months. I was told 60 days of on-site training then will go full time remote. Of course, this hasn’t happened. But no effort is being made into my training on-site. No one is available to come in. And apparently, no one is skilled for my role. So, I’ve decided to match that energy and just put in as much effort into the work as they’ve put into my training. I’m starting to receive complaints. They’re small but enough of a nuisance. I understand this may back fire if it escalates but I’m hoping if enough people complain, they’ll finally notice that I need training/support. And I probably shouldn’t be sitting in a corner by myself collecting dust and treated like a side project. They’ll get around to training me when they can type attitude. I’m tired of feeling frustrated/annoyed/defeated when…

I’ve been with this new role a little over six months. I was told 60 days of on-site training then will go full time remote. Of course, this hasn’t happened. But no effort is being made into my training on-site. No one is available to come in. And apparently, no one is skilled for my role. So, I’ve decided to match that energy and just put in as much effort into the work as they’ve put into my training. I’m starting to receive complaints. They’re small but enough of a nuisance. I understand this may back fire if it escalates but I’m hoping if enough people complain, they’ll finally notice that I need training/support. And I probably shouldn’t be sitting in a corner by myself collecting dust and treated like a side project. They’ll get around to training me when they can type attitude. I’m tired of feeling frustrated/annoyed/defeated when I put in the effort. Why are employers like this?!

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