
Laid Off After a Month

I was hired on for a regional talent acquisition role. I've been with this company for a year in a public-facing job and applied for this job and was overjoyed. I loved the work, I really liked my coworkers and everyone was constantly saying how I was kicking ass in the job. I thought I found a company that I could stick with. I'm 32 now and I've been working since I was 16 and have worked and endured nonstop to find a position like this. 2 weeks into the job, my manager is promoted and someone else takes their spot. I think nothing of it, and continue to produce quality work. 3 weeks later, this last Friday, I'm fired effective immediately with no severance, no warning, nothing. I'm a pretty stoic person, but I cried after that zoom call. I felt dumb for finally feeling safe for the first…

I was hired on for a regional talent acquisition role. I've been with this company for a year in a public-facing job and applied for this job and was overjoyed. I loved the work, I really liked my coworkers and everyone was constantly saying how I was kicking ass in the job. I thought I found a company that I could stick with. I'm 32 now and I've been working since I was 16 and have worked and endured nonstop to find a position like this. 2 weeks into the job, my manager is promoted and someone else takes their spot. I think nothing of it, and continue to produce quality work. 3 weeks later, this last Friday, I'm fired effective immediately with no severance, no warning, nothing. I'm a pretty stoic person, but I cried after that zoom call. I felt dumb for finally feeling safe for the first time in my working adult life. I haven't told my parents because of how much praise they've given me for getting this job.

I found a job that will pay less in sales with the same company and I'm interviewing for it this Thursday. Different department, different bosses, but same fucking company. If I get it, I won't make the same mistake again. I'm giving the bare minimum, I'm using my sick and vacation days asap, and I'm setting strict boundaries. I've had bad work experiences but this one really did a number on me. I don't ever see myself putting in the same amount of effort ever again.

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