
Landmark Forum Finds New Way to Exploit it’s Coaches

So my cousin has been involved with Landmark Forum for about 7 years now probably more. Which for those who don't know acts a lot like a cult. He recently started talking about how he's now coaching with them. I thought to myself okay at least he is no longer paying thousands to them each year and is now volunteering, great. Nope he is basically working for them AND paying for the privilege, it's sad this is legal. To me this is much worse than paying someone minimum wage. Please run from Landmark. Also I know this may not be a new practice but thought more should know about it.

So my cousin has been involved with Landmark Forum for about 7 years now probably more. Which for those who don't know acts a lot like a cult. He recently started talking about how he's now coaching with them. I thought to myself okay at least he is no longer paying thousands to them each year and is now volunteering, great.

Nope he is basically working for them AND paying for the privilege, it's sad this is legal. To me this is much worse than paying someone minimum wage.

Please run from Landmark.

Also I know this may not be a new practice but thought more should know about it.

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