
Last day regrets?

Im a student worker for my schools dept & i got a new job in another dept. They wanted me to do an exit interview & i did it – just talked about the issues i had with my supervisor who randomly upped and left. She was also disorganized. Then at the end the head of dept wanted to know who im doing my new job with. I told her im not comfortable disclosing who im working with. Im naturally a private person which is why i didnt say. Am i wrong for not telling her? She said she asked because she wanted to put in a good word for me but i just said i'm not comortable disclosing. Its still within the same university not the same school. Am i wrong? Idk i have a feeling its just nosiness and them wanting to know who im working with. Curious…

Im a student worker for my schools dept & i got a new job in another dept. They wanted me to do an exit interview & i did it – just talked about the issues i had with my supervisor who randomly upped and left. She was also disorganized. Then at the end the head of dept wanted to know who im doing my new job with. I told her im not comfortable disclosing who im working with. Im naturally a private person which is why i didnt say. Am i wrong for not telling her?

She said she asked because she wanted to put in a good word for me but i just said i'm not comortable disclosing. Its still within the same university not the same school.
Am i wrong?

Idk i have a feeling its just nosiness and them wanting to know who im working with. Curious to know what you all think if i left a bad impression or i should not care. Im lowkey beating myself over this

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