
Last week I loved my job, now I hate it.

I’ve had to jump around a lot in my career because of psycho bosses, frat bro work environments, COVID layoff. So after years of shit pay, shit jobs, I landed my current job and I loved it – minus the pay. During the hiring process the in-house recruiter asked for a salary range, I provided one. Then I got a second (and final) interview. I was offered the job like 10 mins after the interview. But that’s when I first heard how much they were going to pay. About 10K under my minimum. I was shocked and mentioned it was way under my range and I wasn’t sure about it, I made a little stink. I asked about the work culture, etc. and the in-house recruiter convinced me to take the job. I convinced myself to at least check it out because I was in between jobs and just rejected…

I’ve had to jump around a lot in my career because of psycho bosses, frat bro work environments, COVID layoff. So after years of shit pay, shit jobs, I landed my current job and I loved it – minus the pay.

During the hiring process the in-house recruiter asked for a salary range, I provided one. Then I got a second (and final) interview. I was offered the job like 10 mins after the interview. But that’s when I first heard how much they were going to pay. About 10K under my minimum. I was shocked and mentioned it was way under my range and I wasn’t sure about it, I made a little stink. I asked about the work culture, etc. and the in-house recruiter convinced me to take the job. I convinced myself to at least check it out because I was in between jobs and just rejected another lower paying job. My first mistake.

It did turn out to be great. Hybrid WFH, flexible, full benefits, 401K plan, snacks, coffee, awesome co-workers, fun/interesting work, chill boss. But the pay rate was gnawing away at me. All my friends and family agreed I should work hard and then at 6 months bring up the pay. So I did. My supervisor was super cool about it and they were glad I brought it up. They wanted me to feel valued because I’ve been amazing in my role and huge help to the department. I mentioned I can’t afford the city the office in, or to even save anything. I then told them about the range I originally asked for. Turns out they had no idea I got undercut or made a stink to the recruiter.

One week later, they check my HR file. Apparently the range the recruiter noted was a full 20K less. I was shocked. WTF. I confirmed with my friend in HR – yep. But at that point it was a “well you accepted the offer”. All I could think was fuuuuck you. So I have no idea what happened. If it was a mistake or a sketchy practice they have.

Cut to 4 weeks of waiting and my boss calls me. Their whole tone was positive as they offered me a $1 increase per hour. Not the $7 I asked for. They basically said in this specific industry your position is averaging low wages so we are gonna keep you at low wages. And that to reach the number I originally wanted was going to take time and a promotion.

So now I’m furious. They took away any reason for me to work hard or take on more tasks. I’m pissed at myself of falling into this trap. And I’m more pissed because I’ve enjoyed this job more than any other, but I can’t make good money at it. So now I have to decide to work for low wages, but like my job. Or look for a higher paying job, but risk not liking the company or people as much.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to look for a new job, but it just sucks so much. I feel betrayed. And I know they can afford to pay me more, they just won’t. Anyway, I just wanted to vent. I didn’t get too specific because who knows who is on this subreddit. But I have a college degree and 7 years experience. I’m good at what I do so I know I’m getting ripped off.

TLDR: I’m being undervalued at a job I like.

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