
Layoffs are starting, and I hope we can stay strong.

I read some articles about how tech companies are starting to lay people off because they anticipate an economic slowdown. And I'm worried that workers will start to lose their courage and go back to bootlicking. Because one of the biggest reasons we've been able to tell employers to fuck off unless they pay us better, has been because they need us more than we need them. With companies starting to lay people off, that balance starts to tip away from us. Will we continue to stay strong and demand better workplace conditions? We must! We cannot afford to let up. Employers are itching to exercise new levels of cruelty and control over their workers, if their responses on this sub have been any indication. We must seize this moment!

I read some articles about how tech companies are starting to lay people off because they anticipate an economic slowdown. And I'm worried that workers will start to lose their courage and go back to bootlicking.

Because one of the biggest reasons we've been able to tell employers to fuck off unless they pay us better, has been because they need us more than we need them. With companies starting to lay people off, that balance starts to tip away from us. Will we continue to stay strong and demand better workplace conditions? We must!

We cannot afford to let up. Employers are itching to exercise new levels of cruelty and control over their workers, if their responses on this sub have been any indication. We must seize this moment!

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