
Learning and intellectual work at workplace

So, people think workplace is a la la land which will provide them with some gourmet level learning and intellectual opportunities. As if travelling to different places and getting to know the culture there or reading a fine book such as 'Infinite Jest' or apprenticing in a restaurant will not lead to learning or using a brain. Such is the hold of the “la la land” notion that people really believe that workplace are a boon for them and without it we would be spiralling down a deep dark world. And to depict the above idiotic notion for what it is today – an OCD – I have made the following sketch (via ppt and googling skills). THE WORKPLACE OCD

So, people think workplace is a la la land which will provide them with some gourmet level learning and intellectual opportunities. As if travelling to different places and getting to know the culture there or reading a fine book such as 'Infinite Jest' or apprenticing in a restaurant will not lead to learning or using a brain. Such is the hold of the “la la land” notion that people really believe that workplace are a boon for them and without it we would be spiralling down a deep dark world.

And to depict the above idiotic notion for what it is today – an OCD – I have made the following sketch (via ppt and googling skills).


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