
Leaving job – Off Sick

Hi Everyone, I was just looking for some advice, I am currently off work due to stress at work and the doctor has advised that i take a month off. Long story short, i have been experiencing some workplace mobbing and i was originally mislead by the role. There have been complaints about me being quiet but i am really friendly and always say hello and bye to my co workers. There is 3 of us in the office and when i first started i was more or less plonked down and left without the training needed to do my job, ever since then i have really struggled as it is a new industry to me but my co workers have not been very supportive. One in particular likes to make you feel stupid and makes snarky comments Infront of another co worker to look big. I have also been…

Hi Everyone,

I was just looking for some advice,

I am currently off work due to stress at work and the doctor has advised that i take a month off. Long story short, i have been experiencing some workplace mobbing and i was originally mislead by the role. There have been complaints about me being quiet but i am really friendly and always say hello and bye to my co workers.

There is 3 of us in the office and when i first started i was more or less plonked down and left without the training needed to do my job, ever since then i have really struggled as it is a new industry to me but my co workers have not been very supportive. One in particular likes to make you feel stupid and makes snarky comments Infront of another co worker to look big. I have also been told others have left due to sexism and also been mislead about the role they applied for and not receiving training for that role.

I have now decided i want to leave, but i am a bit worried due to references and sick leave (I have never been sick in my life before this job) , even though i am being genuine. It was even to the point where i wanted to crash my car in the morning,

Some jobs want a reference from my current employer but i feel like no one has backed my corner (not even management) even when i took out a grievance on one of the bullies. It seems to have blew up in my face because the rest of my co workers even though they were distant before became more distant as it was for aggressive behaviour but i believe he has told them a different story (not in my favou

For reference, i have been there a year and a half, has anyone else been through this

I also must add, i am willing to work my notice but i don't know if its worth it to go sick for the duration of the notice which is actually a week as i have not passed my probation because i havent done the job role which i was hired to do but they wont let me do it so how can i pass!??? It has been a nightmare.

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