
Leaving my job, some thoughts on that.

As the title says, I’m leaving my current job and had a farewell get together dinner. The manager and couple of colleagues showed up and at the end, we all ended up paying for our food. It was weird because in previous farewell gatherings, the manager payed for the entire meal. But this time, it panned out differently. I think this added up because of the fact that there was only one team activity outside of our work and that was back in 2018. Nothing else after that. I just feel like I gave my ALL in my last 5 years but the way my exit is being handled left me feeling upset. Is this how it is in most of the workplaces? I mean, I do not expect to have a fan fest, but a simple thank you would’ve been nice. I want to move on from this incident,…

As the title says, I’m leaving my current job and had a farewell get together dinner. The manager and couple of colleagues showed up and at the end, we all ended up paying for our food. It was weird because in previous farewell gatherings, the manager payed for the entire meal. But this time, it panned out differently.

I think this added up because of the fact that there was only one team activity outside of our work and that was back in 2018. Nothing else after that. I just feel like I gave my ALL in my last 5 years but the way my exit is being handled left me feeling upset. Is this how it is in most of the workplaces? I mean, I do not expect to have a fan fest, but a simple thank you would’ve been nice.

I want to move on from this incident, but would like to know the thoughts of folks from this community on how they dealt with similar situations. Any piece of advice or wisdom would be appreciated

Edit: spellings

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