
Left my job. done with corporate wannabe boss.

For background: I drove for a company in Lansing delivering automotive parts. The director of our location was allowed to resign in December 2020 to save himself from termination for sexual harassment. He was hot headed and a bit of an ass but essentially let everyone do their jobs and only got on someone's case when they royally screwed up. In March of 2021 his replacement was brought in. D used to own several Auto Zone stores as a franchiser and sold them. From the moment he showed his short, bald head I knew it was a problem. Then he started making changes. We went from a fairly well oiled machine that needed only a few tweaks to an utter wreck. It started out with D just standing around in the afternoon just questioning what people were doing. Most of the drivers were waiting for more parts to be pulled…

For background: I drove for a company in Lansing delivering automotive parts. The director of our location was allowed to resign in December 2020 to save himself from termination for sexual harassment. He was hot headed and a bit of an ass but essentially let everyone do their jobs and only got on someone's case when they royally screwed up. In March of 2021 his replacement was brought in. D used to own several Auto Zone stores as a franchiser and sold them.

From the moment he showed his short, bald head I knew it was a problem. Then he started making changes. We went from a fairly well oiled machine that needed only a few tweaks to an utter wreck. It started out with D just standing around in the afternoon just questioning what people were doing. Most of the drivers were waiting for more parts to be pulled and verified. Then he began moving the staging areas of drivers around, confusing and annoying everyone.

Then he ordered cameras for a couple vehicles. A pair of cameras that hung from the windshield on the inside, one facing out and one facing in. D claimed it was “for the night runs”. We all knew it was crap. No company is going to want parts dropped off at night when there weren't employees to receive them. Too many chances something could be stolen, or damaged. It was to keep an eye on those drivers. Then more cameras. Now the whole fleet, which is falling apart, is equipped with them. Mostly we just covered them, a bit of tape over the lens or a sticky note.

Then came the tablets. We were told that we were responsible for them. I never signed anything, and vocally protested against be charged if they were damaged. I even asked my direct supervisor, B, if I would be charged if someone else took it and broke it. His response was “that won't happen, they're assigned.” I laughed and said no, like everything else around here, someone is just gonna take it. He tried to say it wouldn't be like that. The following Monday another driver blew up because he had taken the Friday off and someone had broken his tablet because they took his instead of their own.

Then this morning happened. Dispatch was told to hand out paperwork. Paperwork that detailed that “NO one but the THE COMPANY and the company we used to record and maybe some third party that the surveillance company could choose on their own would have access to the recordings, your face, biometrics etc.” I have had enough. I wasn't yelling, but I wasn't quiet about it either. When dispatch's answerers weren't good enough, I told them I was done and to tell B I was out. I've known for awhile that it was just a matter of time before I left, I was just hoping to have something better lined up first.

On my way out I decided to tell B that D's decisions and policies have left me in a place where I feel my employment is no longer tenable. I don't need to be watched like a child when I'm a grown ass adult and don't screw around on the clock. Especially not for $15hr. Dealing with D isn't worth it. Not for any amount.

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