
Left my “prestigious” job of being a Financial Advisor only to be berated by parents

Not gonna say all but a lot of Eastern European families have this weird mindset when it comes to work where sometimes having an important sounding title at work means more to them than being happy there or actually making money. At times I think that my parents care more about what the community and their friends will think than they do about me being happy. A little background, I have worked in Financial Services for around 7 years. My first 5 years I did really well, helped people, made money, worked 70+ hours a week to get my business going. Once Covid hit things changed, I started getting absolutely burned out. People didn’t want to meet face to face, networking event disappeared (which is where I met a lot of my clients), workplace became toxic because it’s been a full commission job yet they still expected us to drive…

Not gonna say all but a lot of Eastern European families have this weird mindset when it comes to work where sometimes having an important sounding title at work means more to them than being happy there or actually making money. At times I think that my parents care more about what the community and their friends will think than they do about me being happy.
A little background, I have worked in Financial Services for around 7 years. My first 5 years I did really well, helped people, made money, worked 70+ hours a week to get my business going. Once Covid hit things changed, I started getting absolutely burned out. People didn’t want to meet face to face, networking event disappeared (which is where I met a lot of my clients), workplace became toxic because it’s been a full commission job yet they still expected us to drive into the office without getting paid…etc. I am generally a closed off person but I decided to open up to my parents about how unhappy I had become at work and all they could say is that no matter what, I should be happy I have a job even though I’m making like no money and I’m unhappy and they are proud to tell their friends that their son is a Financial Advisor.
Much to their dismay, last week I accepted a position in software sales. Good base, commission, bonuses…etc. They haven’t spoken to me much since I told them but this one time…..I’m doing what makes ME happy

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