
Let me share my story of working at Lowes with you guys!

So I took up this job at Lowes for the summer during my senior year of high school. I loaded mulch for people during the summer and was supposed to get my forklift license to allow me to do more than just load mulch and stand around but management wasn’t the best and we’ll definitely be getting back to that. So after working there for a few months during the summer and the mulch and gardening season starting to slow down I was forced to just do basic stocking in the outdoors area as that was still my domain, anyways the specific day/ days I wanna talk about are the days that lead up to me ghosting them. Now first off I wanna say I obviously didn’t care for this job, Id call off frequently or no call no show if I didn’t feel like going in because I wasn’t…

So I took up this job at Lowes for the summer during my senior year of high school. I loaded mulch for people during the summer and was supposed to get my forklift license to allow me to do more than just load mulch and stand around but management wasn’t the best and we’ll definitely be getting back to that. So after working there for a few months during the summer and the mulch and gardening season starting to slow down I was forced to just do basic stocking in the outdoors area as that was still my domain, anyways the specific day/ days I wanna talk about are the days that lead up to me ghosting them.

Now first off I wanna say I obviously didn’t care for this job, Id call off frequently or no call no show if I didn’t feel like going in because I wasn’t important and anyone could do my job, but by no means was I an outstanding employee.

So the day starts with me clocking in at 6am. The store doesn’t even open until 7 but I guess I needed to come in to just look at everything for an hour in the pouring rain (most everything has a roof outside so I wasn’t getting wet). Now I have a minor problem where if I get up too early I have the worlds worst stomach pains and bowel movements, not sure what causes it exactly but I know getting up really early is usually the cause. So it’s 6am, the store isn’t open, it’s pouring outside and my stomach is killing me so I sit down and try to relax for a bit. Time passes and one of my bosses walks by, he tells me that because it’s raining and there isn’t a lot of people coming in today that I could just go home so they didn’t overpay people, I was young and wanted to go home so I took the bait without a second thought, fast forward a week to my next 6am shift, same stomach problem and I’m sitting in the back again until the store opens but this time I’m met with my actual boss and the other boss who sent me home the previous week. My actual boss then tells me that if I get caught sitting 1 more time I’d be fired. Obviously I was confused by this so I asked what he meant and then he proceeded to tell me that I was sent home last week for sitting on the job which is not what I was told, so I take that info (which pissed me off a lot because that’s not at all what happened) and continue for a bit until we have our morning meeting, after that I approach my boss to try and tell him the actual story and what the other boss had said to me on that day, and his reply was that he didn’t care and I’d be fired if I was caught sitting again. Luckily I had college coming up in a few weeks and I already hated the job so I never came back after that. It was quite the shitty job and I couldn’t believe that my boss just didn’t care that we were both lied to. I left that place and haven’t stepped anywhere near it since.

TLDR: I was sent home on a dead day by one of my bosses and then approached the following week by my actual boss telling me I was written up for sitting and if I was caught again I’d be fired even though that’s not what I was told at all.

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