
Let’s bring some positive vibes

I've been thinking about making this post for awhile now and finally got around to doing it. So with the rampant negativity going on (there have been wins such as Chris's Amazon Union win) I would like to bring some positivity. Don't name drop or make it obvious, but mention something that has happened to you recently or in years past that gave you hope when you were in a tough position, or needed someone to give a helpful hand. While we see the negative of these power-hungry, narcissistic bosses, let's show that there are bosses that care, let others know that there are times when a company/supervisor/etc genuinely cares. I'll start first. When COVID first hit, I worked for a company that is now meme stock, and my boss at the time was a badass dude. While store managers and assistants were given a month of leave, us “not…

I've been thinking about making this post for awhile now and finally got around to doing it.

So with the rampant negativity going on (there have been wins such as Chris's Amazon Union win) I would like to bring some positivity. Don't name drop or make it obvious, but mention something that has happened to you recently or in years past that gave you hope when you were in a tough position, or needed someone to give a helpful hand.

While we see the negative of these power-hungry, narcissistic bosses, let's show that there are bosses that care, let others know that there are times when a company/supervisor/etc genuinely cares.

I'll start first.

When COVID first hit, I worked for a company that is now meme stock, and my boss at the time was a badass dude. While store managers and assistants were given a month of leave, us “not worthy” grunts were still required to work 2 weeks since we also got 2 weeks off, paid.

I was one of the senior staff, working my way up to Assistant position. Before I went back to store, the boss calls me and we talk for a bit, he mentions that he knows I'm hard up for money since I lived about 45 minutes from the store and Pre-COVID, I worked about 15-18 hrs a ween. He made me acting manager while he and the assistant were gone, giving me full ability to make necessary choices and act on his behalf (without making schedules, i couldn't do that normally anyway), giving me the full 80 hours for those two weeks, and gave me the option of snagging a few of the part timers if I needed the help and if I needed to, to call him anytime.

We only had 1 part timer at the time, so I dragged him in and he also got 80 hours for those 2 weeks. We were curbside at that time, no one allowed in the store, so we sat back, watched videos or played our switches or plugged in the extra TV and played our consoles. We still had daily tasks, shipping orders and everything, but that was the first time metrics weren't being measured as threateningly as they were in the past.

Out of the 5 years there, that was probably the best experience I had, where I felt needed or useful as Meme Stock is up there for one of the worst companies to work for. Sadly, after he was transferred, old boss came back and just like that, down to 3-6 hrs a week and it's been since Sept of 2020 since I last stepped foot in there.

EDIT: Typos and missed needed info.

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