
Let’s hear your best “Fuck you, I quit” story

This will be long but thought my donut shop drama would fit well here. TLDR at the end. When I was 22, I worked for a local donut shop that paid me $8 an hour. I’d open the shop, leave at 3, and then go to my nannying job which paid about $12 an hour plus some extra green if you know what I mean. I vastly preferred the nannying job and it was under the table. Then a new owner took over and among other things did not have a single clue about how to keep the business staffed. Many times, I was late to my nannying job because he was scheduling people late or not at all and had to send someone from their other store over to cover. Then one day at 330 I call the owner asking where the next shift is because I need to…

This will be long but thought my donut shop drama would fit well here. TLDR at the end.

When I was 22, I worked for a local donut shop that paid me $8 an hour. I’d open the shop, leave at 3, and then go to my nannying job which paid about $12 an hour plus some extra green if you know what I mean.

I vastly preferred the nannying job and it was under the table. Then a new owner took over and among other things did not have a single clue about how to keep the business staffed. Many times, I was late to my nannying job because he was scheduling people late or not at all and had to send someone from their other store over to cover.

Then one day at 330 I call the owner asking where the next shift is because I need to get to my other job. It went this way.

Me: hey I can’t keep doing this I have another job

Dickhead boss: I’m more than willing to give you the extra hours and I don’t have anyone tonight so I need you to stay

Me: fine, if you pay me $12 an hour, which is what my other job pays.

Dickhead boss: can’t do that

Me: then I am closing the shop and leaving

Dickhead boss: you can’t close early.

So, I didn’t close. I simply left everything out, all the garbage inside, told multiple customers to leave because the owner isn’t staffing the store and locked up and even left all the donut racks from that days delivery out back. I then took my keys, which was only one of two pairs and chucked it over the roof of the building.

About an hour later I get numerous calls and text messages saying to come back or I’m fired. I told them, I quit when I left the store.

The real kicker is that a week later former employees and my friends sent me proof that the mixing machine was malfunctioning and putting metal shavings into the donut mix and the owners response was “We can’t afford to not sell anything today” and made them put them out. I posted all the proof on social media and people were pissed and destroyed their ratings. They closed just a few months later.

I could go on forever about how neither owners paid well, created a good work environment, and were just lazy rich assholes who treated their employees like shit.

TL;DR: my boss asked me to stay over but wouldn’t pay me as much as my job I’d be missing pays. I left the store and never came back. Months later found out and posted proof they were selling tainted donuts and they closed

Attached are pictures of the shirt our towns print shop made to commemorate the fabled donut wars, a donut with metal shavings, and a post where they said they had fired me and I was just a disgruntled employee l m a o

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