
Letter To Ms Manners About Lunch Highlights Work/Life Problems

I feel so bad that the LW doesn't recognize or their company doesn't encourage them to recognize the real problem. (Bolding is mine) – there is usually about 20 minutes between one employee and another stopping by the LW's office. But they're not willing to close the office door because it “hampers workflow”. It's 20-30 minutes! Work can be really important for some people, they take it very seriously but if you can't go 20 or 30 minutes out of an 8, 9, 10 hour day without being available, if you can't catch your breath, eat at a reasonable pace, take your eyes from your computer, maybe even step outside for some air – the problem is deeper than employees and co-workers breathing on your lunch. Honestly this letter just makes me a bit sad. ​ DEAR MISS MANNERS: I manage a department of about 15 professional and clerical workers.…

I feel so bad that the LW doesn't recognize or their company doesn't encourage them to recognize the real problem. (Bolding is mine) – there is usually about 20 minutes between one employee and another stopping by the LW's office. But they're not willing to close the office door because it “hampers workflow”. It's 20-30 minutes! Work can be really important for some people, they take it very seriously but if you can't go 20 or 30 minutes out of an 8, 9, 10 hour day without being available, if you can't catch your breath, eat at a reasonable pace, take your eyes from your computer, maybe even step outside for some air – the problem is deeper than employees and co-workers breathing on your lunch. Honestly this letter just makes me a bit sad.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I manage a department of about 15 professional and clerical workers. I am a direct resource for most, and I enjoy helping them find solutions. My office is a revolving door, with usually no more than 20 minutes between visits.

What is bothering me is a complete disdain for my food and beverages. I frequently drink coffee at my desk, and just this morning, an employee came in with a question. She managed to lean directly over my coffee and then rub her face, play with her hair, and talk animatedly enough to release spittle. I found myself sneaking back to the break room for a fresh cup after she left. Another time, an employee coughed directly over my barely touched lunch salad. Sadly, I was then unable to consume it, which left me hungry and annoyed. This unintentional contamination occurs commonly enough that it is beginning to frustrate me.

I can close my door when I eat, but that reduces my availability and hampers workflow; also, it doesn't address the coffee. I can cover or tuck away my consumables when my door is darkened, and have done so, but this seems offensive.

Is there a better way to protect my food while not causing offense nor inconvenience?

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