
Lied to about a promotion so that company didn’t have to post a requisition. Do I have any leverage?

Gonna try to summarize this as much as possible. The company is Boeing btw. I am a level 2, and I was approached to take over the work and fix the errors of a level 5 employee because quite frankly she was terrible at her job and was moved to another project (still level 5 tho). I was promised a promotion to a level 3 if I took over the work. Issue is this was all verbal, although my lead was present for all communication. This happened back in February, the work was transferred, my work load tripled, and no promotion was given. Back in March, I reached out to my direct manager about it, she said that she would get with the manager who made the promise/proposal, and I haven’t heard from her since. In fact, she’s cancelled every monthly 1-on-1 since then, and hasn’t made a effort to…

Gonna try to summarize this as much as possible. The company is Boeing btw. I am a level 2, and I was approached to take over the work and fix the errors of a level 5 employee because quite frankly she was terrible at her job and was moved to another project (still level 5 tho). I was promised a promotion to a level 3 if I took over the work. Issue is this was all verbal, although my lead was present for all communication. This happened back in February, the work was transferred, my work load tripled, and no promotion was given. Back in March, I reached out to my direct manager about it, she said that she would get with the manager who made the promise/proposal, and I haven’t heard from her since. In fact, she’s cancelled every monthly 1-on-1 since then, and hasn’t made a effort to reschedule them. Honestly i think they just didn’t feel like going through the whole requisition process to find someone, it can be very lengthy, and I figured it would give me a nice challenge in exchange for the reward of promotion. I put in a ethics complaint and put my lead as a witness, she’s been good to me since I’ve been here but she also has stopped talking me for the most part so maybe I shouldn’t have done that. I’m currently still charging to my old tasks as I would have to change job codes to charge to the tasks that I’m working, which is honestly against company policy but management know that it’s happening. Do I have any leverage anywhere or did they get one over on me?

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