
Life advice for the younger ones

I am older and i realize what i did wrong and what i could do to change it. We copy everyone in this society with the following ideals: Get a stable 9 to 5 job. Get out the house quick. Buy your own house. Move in with your partner. Marry your partner. With the list above you will NOT be happy in the longterm trust me! Let’s assume you DONT do this list and you still live with your parents, family or whoever is taking care of you. Let’s say you have a job with a salary of 2000 USD or EURO or whatever country you are in. I take EURO as an example, because i live in EUROPE. You work starting at age 20 (just an example) and you make 2000 EURO after tax. Assume you have no partner no house and still live with family that doesn’t ask…

I am older and i realize what i did wrong and what i could do to change it.

We copy everyone in this society with the following ideals:

  • Get a stable 9 to 5 job.
  • Get out the house quick.
  • Buy your own house.
  • Move in with your partner.
  • Marry your partner.

With the list above you will NOT be happy in the longterm trust me!

Let’s assume you DONT do this list and you still live with your parents, family or whoever is taking care of you.

Let’s say you have a job with a salary of 2000 USD or EURO or whatever country you are in.

I take EURO as an example, because i live in EUROPE.

You work starting at age 20 (just an example) and you make 2000 EURO after tax.

Assume you have no partner no house and still live with family that doesn’t ask money from you.

2000 a month x 12 = 24.000 EURO in one year.

When you are 30 years old you have:

10 years x 24k = 240.000 EURO.

20 years x 24k = 480.000 EURO.

It means when you are 40 years you can have half a million on the bank, crypto or stockings and move to cheaper country like Asia or eastern Europe and enjoy your pension.

Above is an example to give you idea’s.

I am married, 2 kids, house on mortgage, earn good salary, but still broke.

If i was not married I didn’t work today, but since i need to soldier it up with high risk of suicide one day (that’s how i feel daily) i need to continue how long i still can.

Make the right choices guys. Once your old you’re too late and you can’t buy your time back.

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