
Life is a joke in this country

Just need to vent for a minute. This country is a joke and life is not worth living when you are a wage slave getting robbed from every corner. Rent is due before the 5th and I just checked my bank account and saw that I couldn’t pay it. I actually had very reasonable spending this month and this week in particular the grocery bill was lower and fed us for longer some how. But I’ll be about $50 short on rent if my paycheck from this week doesn’t come in before Wednesday. (Luckily I have some extra money stowed away that was left to me from my grandfather who died from covid in 2020, but I’ll be damned if my grandpa’s death pays for my fucking rent). It’s ridiculous. I’m frugal, don’t eat out at restaurants, and don’t have any kind of entertainment budget, so I’m staying in every…

Just need to vent for a minute. This country is a joke and life is not worth living when you are a wage slave getting robbed from every corner. Rent is due before the 5th and I just checked my bank account and saw that I couldn’t pay it. I actually had very reasonable spending this month and this week in particular the grocery bill was lower and fed us for longer some how. But I’ll be about $50 short on rent if my paycheck from this week doesn’t come in before Wednesday. (Luckily I have some extra money stowed away that was left to me from my grandfather who died from covid in 2020, but I’ll be damned if my grandpa’s death pays for my fucking rent).

It’s ridiculous. I’m frugal, don’t eat out at restaurants, and don’t have any kind of entertainment budget, so I’m staying in every night. My wife and I are musicians but that doesn’t really make money unless you can do it full-time, plus my city has a reputation for not paying musicians. We both work at a record label in town, in one of the top 3 music cities in the country, at one of the top record label conglomerates in the country/world. Yet I’ve worked this same “temp” job for the past 3 years and I was just recently passed up for promotion. I honestly don’t even want to move up as this is not the field at all I am interested in, just a day job. I’d be producing records and playing shows and writing songs with my wife if I had the time to but no, I’m robbed 40 hrs every week for this fucking company that can’t pay us overtime, benefits, or even keep up with inflation.

It doesn’t make sense and I can’t understand why something doesn’t just crumble so we can take control of our lives back. And I’m not about to start commuting as they are insisting and losing even more hours of my life when I was able to prove I can do the job just fine if not better from home for the past two years. So much else I could bitch about but I’m gonna end it here. Can’t wait for the revolution or the nukes to take us all out, I’m so done with this reality.

Edit: wrong word.

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