
listening to my boss try to get his personal beliefs to fit together with reality is both infuriating and saddening.

This morning my boss got into a 40 minute political rant with my coworker over the phone and I was in the same car so I got to hear the whole thing. My boss considers himself to be conservatives and my coworker is vocally socialist. We live in Canada. The main things my boss said this morning were. -gas prices are to high and the goverment should do something to incentives companies to lower their prices. -no it's not the gas company's fault. They're just doing what they need to in order to survive the current political instability. -car insurance is gouging people how can they get away with this. (For reference the political party of my provence is the conservatives and they took the price cap off vehicle insurance when they were voted in last election to free the market) -the rising expenses of the business are killing me…

This morning my boss got into a 40 minute political rant with my coworker over the phone and I was in the same car so I got to hear the whole thing. My boss considers himself to be conservatives and my coworker is vocally socialist. We live in Canada. The main things my boss said this morning were.

-gas prices are to high and the goverment should do something to incentives companies to lower their prices.

-no it's not the gas company's fault. They're just doing what they need to in order to survive the current political instability.

-car insurance is gouging people how can they get away with this. (For reference the political party of my provence is the conservatives and they took the price cap off vehicle insurance when they were voted in last election to free the market)

-the rising expenses of the business are killing me but I can't raise my prices. When I bring the discussion up with clients they say if I raise prices their bosses will force them to look elsewhere to see I'd they can get a lower price.

-unqualified people are being put into positions without the skills they need to fulfill the needs of those positions.

-how come companies aren't training people for these positions

-it's wrong that an estimated 50% of Canadians believe they will rent their whole lives.

-I don't like big corporations either. When I work for one in the 80s someone would show up from head office every few months and suddenly more people were out of a job and we were expected to just pick up the slack.

-no the goverment shouldn't regulate business. They have to much power already.

-I don't know how we could fix these problems.

The disconnect that my boss has from seeing the issues of the modern age as a small business owner and still supporting the system that is screwing him over had me questioning what hoops he must jump through to think the capitalists are on his side. It was maddening to watch him essentially call for regulation and then back peddle hard when my coworker would point out that what he's talking about would require goverment regulation.

At the same time it was also rather disheartening to hear him say all this cause he immigrated here to escape “socialist” Romania so I know he's trapped in this mindset of, “Socialists are trying to suppress the people. It's the capitalists that protect our lives.” while watching businesses try their best to make his life and the lives of Canadians in general more difficult than they needs to be.

Edited cause grammar and lack of sleep don't mix.

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