
Living in a small town, where workplaces are proud of abysmal pay

Browsing Indeed and similar sites to see if there’s any better options than my current job because I’m definitely feeling retail burnout, making barely $11/hr, and some of these job listings have pay so pathetic I’m surprised they even want to be transparent about it. Some of these jobs are paying $22k a year on salaried positions, literal poverty wages. I’m seeing next to nothing for $15/hr+ or over $40k a year on salary. And these are big, important jobs, or extremely physically taxing. Local government positions, museum curators, teaching positions. Physical labor like dockhands and pallet stacking. I’m just reeling, I knew I needed to get the hell out of my small town but seeing what these places are comfortable paying for essential jobs like this makes me even more sure. Small towns, especially in the American south, are nothing but poverty factories. And people living here are proud…

Browsing Indeed and similar sites to see if there’s any better options than my current job because I’m definitely feeling retail burnout, making barely $11/hr, and some of these job listings have pay so pathetic I’m surprised they even want to be transparent about it. Some of these jobs are paying $22k a year on salaried positions, literal poverty wages. I’m seeing next to nothing for $15/hr+ or over $40k a year on salary. And these are big, important jobs, or extremely physically taxing. Local government positions, museum curators, teaching positions. Physical labor like dockhands and pallet stacking.

I’m just reeling, I knew I needed to get the hell out of my small town but seeing what these places are comfortable paying for essential jobs like this makes me even more sure. Small towns, especially in the American south, are nothing but poverty factories. And people living here are proud of it. I wish more than anything I could escape, but right now I’m stuck, since y’know, $11/hr.

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