
Looking for ressources

Hello ! I am doing a research project on work, and more specifically onthe abolition of work, and i am looking for ressources on the subject (wether it’s documentaries, essays, publications, articles, and so on). Also if you want to share stories on how you ended up in the antiwork community i’ll gladly take that too ! The end goal here for me is to condense all that in one or several podcast episodes that i would also share here !

Hello ! I am doing a research project on work, and more specifically onthe abolition of work, and i am looking for ressources on the subject (wether it’s documentaries, essays, publications, articles, and so on).
Also if you want to share stories on how you ended up in the antiwork community i’ll gladly take that too !
The end goal here for me is to condense all that in one or several podcast episodes that i would also share here !

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