
Looking for some advice

So basically I’ve handed in my notice two months prior to the end of my contract to be nice so that managers can plan for the time when I’m gone in advance. For the first few weeks of my notice, bosses tried to negotiate with me to stay and gave me counter offer which I refused as I wanted to leave anyway. Since then I basically stopped working overtime, as I was mentally exhausted with work at that stage, which was partial reason as to why I was leaving. Recently bosses started giving me abusive calls how my work is dissapointing, my performance is terrible, how this is a small world so me putting in such a terrible effort will bite me back. Like fair, I might’ve not worked as hard as I did previously prior to giving in my notice, as I just seriously needed a break, but since…

So basically I’ve handed in my notice two months prior to the end of my contract to be nice so that managers can plan for the time when I’m gone in advance. For the first few weeks of my notice, bosses tried to negotiate with me to stay and gave me counter offer which I refused as I wanted to leave anyway. Since then I basically stopped working overtime, as I was mentally exhausted with work at that stage, which was partial reason as to why I was leaving. Recently bosses started giving me abusive calls how my work is dissapointing, my performance is terrible, how this is a small world so me putting in such a terrible effort will bite me back. Like fair, I might’ve not worked as hard as I did previously prior to giving in my notice, as I just seriously needed a break, but since I started getting such feedback, I created a plan, started working lots of overtime and even agreed to work over the weekend (all unpaid) to basically ensure that I meet every deadline that was given to me, but the emails and calls occur even more often now which is seriously affecting me mentally and basically I work through my tears on daily basis now. There is absolutely no need for all this, as it’s really unhelpful, but there’s no reasoning with them. I didn’t want to leave on bad terms, but I don’t see how even my best effort could help me now and I definitely can’t count on references from them either. Has anyone been in a similar situation before and can offer any advice?

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