
Looking for tips

(Older female professional) First post on Reddit, posting from phone; however, my first career involved extensive proofreading, so if there are typos, please punish me harshly (/s). I’m planning on quitting without notice next month, and this will be the first time in my life. I have also never been fired or laid off or collected unemployment. Therefore, this plan scares the heck out of me and I think I will be quite vulnerable to being guilt tripped by my supervisor. My work is in a health care field, so I’m expecting him to lay it on thick about how I’m letting my clients down. For those wondering, the reasons for a no-notice involve needing to maintain health insurance until I know for sure that my next policy is in effect. I have a job lined up ($12K raise and working remotely full time). The current job is a shit…

(Older female professional) First post on Reddit, posting from phone; however, my first career involved extensive proofreading, so if there are typos, please punish me harshly (/s).

I’m planning on quitting without notice next month, and this will be the first time in my life. I have also never been fired or laid off or collected unemployment. Therefore, this plan scares the heck out of me and I think I will be quite vulnerable to being guilt tripped by my supervisor. My work is in a health care field, so I’m expecting him to lay it on thick about how I’m letting my clients down.

For those wondering, the reasons for a no-notice involve needing to maintain health insurance until I know for sure that my next policy is in effect. I have a job lined up ($12K raise and working remotely full time). The current job is a shit show. Please just take my word for it because the details would likely reveal my identity. They have a history of letting workers go the same day they give notice, and health insurance ends on one’s last day of employment at this place.

Please share your experiences with no notice quitting in a human services or health field. Did you struggle with guilt regarding your clients/patients? Did you get blacklisted in your local area by competing companies? Did it “burn bridges” for you in future job searches?

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