

Hello everyone, this is going to be hard to talk about but I need to let it out somehow, someway…. So I just recently quit my job. I was working with the Los Angeles County Probation department. I had completed the training academy on January 21st. I just quit on the 14th. I had started a two week training process at the Juvenile Halls. After those two weeks it became hell. I was basically thrown into situations where I had no idea what I was doing. I had to supervise youth who were adjudicated “convicted” of heinous crimes ex. PC. 187, 211, 288, 261 etc… This was on top of being the only one supervising these youth, sometimes 12 at a time…. and I was by myself. I hated going to work. The youth would discuss gang talk, fighting, drugs, and so forth… I had to take the youth to…

Hello everyone, this is going to be hard to talk about but I need to let it out somehow, someway….

So I just recently quit my job. I was working with the Los Angeles County Probation department. I had completed the training academy on January 21st. I just quit on the 14th. I had started a two week training process at the Juvenile Halls. After those two weeks it became hell. I was basically thrown into situations where I had no idea what I was doing. I had to supervise youth who were adjudicated “convicted” of heinous crimes ex. PC. 187, 211, 288, 261 etc… This was on top of being the only one supervising these youth, sometimes 12 at a time…. and I was by myself. I hated going to work. The youth would discuss gang talk, fighting, drugs, and so forth… I had to take the youth to school in the Halls, which was a shit show. I couldn't handle the disrespect along with the stress of trying to stay safe in there. The point I am trying to make is that it took me almost a year to get into this position, and now I feel like a failure. I would get threatened almost every single day to bring drugs, or else we are going to jump you. I was never issued pepper spray, because they are trying to faze it out of the Halls. I feel like a complete failure, it took me over a year to get this position and my academy time plus the two week training, on top of my actual working is equivalent of 5 months. I have a bachelors in Sociology, and an associates degree in Administration of Justice? Does anyone have any advice. I hated working there, it was such a hostile environment. I had to quit, please I would love some advice!

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