
Lost confidence after a bad manager. How can I get my confidence back?

I went on secondment to another area of the company and the manager was horrendous. Completely unreasonable, constant micromanaging, no support, moving goalposts, constant criticism and manipulation. My union got my secondment ended early and I'm back in my old team again but I have lost all my confidence. Things take me so much longer because I question every word I write and I feel guilty for using peoples time to get me up to speed on projects because my old manager made me feel like I knew nothing. I'm not my usual self at meetings because I am scared to speak up in case I'm wrong. How can I get my confidence back?

I went on secondment to another area of the company and the manager was horrendous. Completely unreasonable, constant micromanaging, no support, moving goalposts, constant criticism and manipulation. My union got my secondment ended early and I'm back in my old team again but I have lost all my confidence. Things take me so much longer because I question every word I write and I feel guilty for using peoples time to get me up to speed on projects because my old manager made me feel like I knew nothing. I'm not my usual self at meetings because I am scared to speak up in case I'm wrong. How can I get my confidence back?

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