
Love/Hate relationship with Anti-work

MY LOVE: Thank God Almighty that Antiwork exists. Seriously its the resource to go to hear about the True Deal. Exploited workers, exposed corrupt bosses, and why we're not having a square deal. There's some poignant and funny memes too. Boomers are just making excuses, although it has been pointed it it's really the rich who's naking the excuses, and it isn't really generational. A lot of percentage points goes to them though, as they benefited the most from a post-war economy. MY HATE: …no solutions? No out-of-the-box- thinking? Where's the organization, the selflisness for our fellow man? “I couldn't care less about my coworkers = “F u, I'm tired. Every man/woman for themselves.” R/AmeriExit or whatever offers solutions. R/CareerAdvice offers solutions. Does Anti-work absolutely have to exist as an exposé of bad work environments? Can't it help people too? MIXEDFEELINGS: what's so good at being American? R/Jobs = “USA…

MY LOVE: Thank God Almighty that Antiwork exists. Seriously its the resource to go to hear about the True Deal. Exploited workers, exposed corrupt bosses, and why we're not having a square deal. There's some poignant and funny memes too. Boomers are just making excuses, although it has been pointed it it's really the rich who's naking the excuses, and it isn't really generational. A lot of percentage points goes to them though, as they benefited the most from a post-war economy.

MY HATE: …no solutions? No out-of-the-box- thinking? Where's the organization, the selflisness for our fellow man? “I couldn't care less about my coworkers = “F u, I'm tired. Every man/woman for themselves.”

R/AmeriExit or whatever offers solutions.
R/CareerAdvice offers solutions. Does Anti-work absolutely have to exist as an exposé of bad work environments? Can't it help people too?

MIXEDFEELINGS: what's so good at being American?
R/Jobs = “USA is like…untenable”
R/AntiConsumption = ” holy crapppp USA is untenable.”
R/PersonalFinancialAdvice:= “….we're all gonna dieeee”

idc if im downvoted to oblivion from my main account. I said what I said.

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