Yesterday I took my mother out to lunch for her birthday and had the pleasure of overhearing a horrific conversation from the person seated directly behind me.
They were talking with their friend about an upcoming round of layoffs at their company. This outstanding lady said she worked in HR and was going to be im charge of the selection process….and she was absolutely giddy about it.
She kept bragging how she was going to manipulate things to ensure anyone she didn't like in other departments got the axe and how this was her chance to “get back” at those she perceived as having wronged her in some petty way. She didn't care about anything other than her petty revenge.
Her friend thought it was hilarious…they were planning to stalk the profiles of their victims and enjoy the heartbreak.
Why are HR people such absolute scum? Imagine being happy and excited to ruin the livelihoods of people abd take away their stability to provide for themselves and their families.. maybe karma will happen and after this round, she will end up redundant in a 2nd one that she isn't in charge of.
Anyone else have “HR Person from Hell” stories?