
Luckily I had my phone on do not disturbed.

I work for Publix (major grocery store in the south). Worked my 5 days this week 8-9 hours everyday (if you include lunch which I do because I’m still sitting there at the place). I was so exhausted at night I passed out with a major migraine that I luckily had proper medicine for. Today is finally my day off. I woke up at 11:45am and I see I had 3 missed calls. All from Publix at 8:20am (twice) and once at 9:14am. No voicemail. I’m assuming staffing problems and they wanted to know if I could come in. They manipulated a new coworker, young girl, into coming in on 3 of her days off and that she was annoyed and said she was finally going to take her day off. Me and another coworker were like “DON’T let them pressure you, they’ll abuse it. Take your days off!” I…

I work for Publix (major grocery store in the south). Worked my 5 days this week 8-9 hours everyday (if you include lunch which I do because I’m still sitting there at the place). I was so exhausted at night I passed out with a major migraine that I luckily had proper medicine for. Today is finally my day off.

I woke up at 11:45am and I see I had 3 missed calls. All from Publix at 8:20am (twice) and once at 9:14am. No voicemail. I’m assuming staffing problems and they wanted to know if I could come in. They manipulated a new coworker, young girl, into coming in on 3 of her days off and that she was annoyed and said she was finally going to take her day off. Me and another coworker were like “DON’T let them pressure you, they’ll abuse it. Take your days off!”

I was so tired that while at work yesterday, which I worked from 10am-6:15pm (more like 6:25pm because I have to be released). I got winded and a coworker noticed that I was messing stuff up my last hour.

Why? Because I didn’t get out until 11pm the night before (after a 9 hour shift). Which means I didn’t go to bed until like 2am (drive home, eating something, showering, and all my stuff I do before sleep – then actually passing out) and then I got up at 8 something to get ready. That’s how exhausted and icky I felt.

I’ve been here 5-6 weeks now. They do this all the time. This company is utter trash. I’ve worked for so many office jobs (with engineers and even in medical) AND I’ve done retail (from Macy’s and Kohl’s to restaurants) and I’ve never had a place call me on my days off like this after working 5 days. And at 8am really???????

Always keeping my phone on do not disturb. Fuck you Publix. I can see why people quit. I originally posted this on the Publix subreddit but there’s too many people on there that love this company – even with all the posts that talk shit about it.

OH AND LIKE CLOCKWORK – some idiot on the Publix subreddit downvoted my other post. Lmao. They literally want to suck Publix’s dick.*

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