
Made someone stutter

Just a quick one. Had someone call me up to do a survey over the phone- it was about opinions on the current labour situation in our province. After a number of questions about the labour market, the next question she asked me was, “As far as hours of work are concerned, do you feel you would want: A) More working hours, or B) The same?” I answered, “Less”. She stuttered. “L…Less?” “Yeah.” She didn't have an option to input that and was genuinely gobsmacked. I thought it was cute enough to write it out here.

Just a quick one. Had someone call me up to do a survey over the phone- it was about opinions on the current labour situation in our province.

After a number of questions about the labour market, the next question she asked me was, “As far as hours of work are concerned, do you feel you would want: A) More working hours, or B) The same?”

I answered, “Less”.
She stuttered. “L…Less?”

She didn't have an option to input that and was genuinely gobsmacked. I thought it was cute enough to write it out here.

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