
Make no mistake, We are owned

Who you work for, owns you. They buy 40 hours from you per week in exchange for YOU. Make no mistake, you only own that portion of your life that is not owned by them. A majority of people support this arrangement and they think even people who make anti-work posts are just lazy and don't understand that the world owes you nothing. Well, then – how come I owe the world half of my waking day? If I am not owed anything from the world then why must I owe IT my time? A little lopsided of an arrangement, no? Let's just face it, working is not freedom. Not at all. It is slavery. And it feels that way too. Slavery to a company who owns you by the hour, each hour, and also by the day. Namely 5 out of 7 of them. Perhaps I “must” work to…

Who you work for, owns you. They buy 40 hours from you per week in exchange for YOU.

Make no mistake, you only own that portion of your life that is not owned by them.

A majority of people support this arrangement and they think even people who make anti-work posts are just lazy and don't understand that the world owes you nothing.

Well, then – how come I owe the world half of my waking day? If I am not owed anything from the world then why must I owe IT my time? A little lopsided of an arrangement, no?

Let's just face it, working is not freedom. Not at all. It is slavery. And it feels that way too. Slavery to a company who owns you by the hour, each hour, and also by the day.

Namely 5 out of 7 of them.

Perhaps I “must” work to support some corporate agenda and to aid an incredibly rigged economic system – one where the ones who profit are the rich owners of these businesses, real estate, and stocks. The rich folks who push the narrative of hard work being the greatest possible virtue while all they look to do is park money in those places where it will grow the fastest.

Fuck this system. Fuck this economy. And most of all, fuck this arrangement where masses of people are convinced that they have to spend 40 hours PER WEEK EVERY WEEK working till they are too old to continue doing it so well.

And it's such a great thing too. It's so wonderful to be “productive” and “hard working” and “successful”. Fuck all that brainwashing shit that you always hear.

I don't buy it and nor do a growing number of us.

But alas they win. They always do. We need to keep slaving away in their arrangement in order to keep eating. They allow the inflation of prices in order to push people to work longer, harder, as their relative wages fall and do not even keep up. And they'll always win.

Because the owners have set it up this way and they really enjoy THEIR freedom.

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