
Management Accusations

TLDR: Management has been unfair, unjust, played favorites, accused me of things I didnt do, HR has not assisted or investigated my complaints and ultimately I am debating if I should go back to work or enjoy the sunny day. I have been wanting to post on here for a long time now but finding a way to stay anonymous so it doesn't get back to me has been the struggle and what has deterred me from posting. Alas, the time has come because I don't give a shit anymore. To start this is a Good ol' boy company and unfortunately I have been with this company for 5+ years now and recently have gone fully remote. I have been the golden goose for this department the last 2 years and the gg in my previous dept as well. Until recently, I was the only Spanish speaker in my department…

TLDR: Management has been unfair, unjust, played favorites, accused me of things I didnt do, HR has not assisted or investigated my complaints and ultimately I am debating if I should go back to work or enjoy the sunny day.

I have been wanting to post on here for a long time now but finding a way to stay anonymous so it doesn't get back to me has been the struggle and what has deterred me from posting. Alas, the time has come because I don't give a shit anymore.

To start this is a Good ol' boy company and unfortunately I have been with this company for 5+ years now and recently have gone fully remote. I have been the golden goose for this department the last 2 years and the gg in my previous dept as well. Until recently, I was the only Spanish speaker in my department until we hired a non-diverse individual that learned their second language for Missionary work (nothing against them, this person is awesome).

Over the past few months I have noticed and documented some instances where I have been treated differently or talked down to, example: getting told that I am not qualified to handle a particular type of account and get half of it taken from me and given to a qualified rep to take a payment (we work on bonus basis as additional and this would have gotten me a $600 bonus). The same speaker I mentioned above managed a similar account and was allowed to keep the order and the bonus. I called management out on the issue and was told to worry about myself and not others.

Next, I missed a call from a client due to the workload and follow ups. However, I did follow up the following day. Following day I am written up because management felt I did not provide adequate service. Two days pass and I received a call from a customer complaining that his rep has not contacted them in over 2 weeks and he has attempted to call them twice a day over that period. I brought it up and spoke with the rep to see if they were written up…nope…(non diverse rep)…

During this time and over the course of 2 months I maintain my gg status and 3 Supervisor positions opened up, I applied for the positions and interviewed each time. I was denied the position even with my level of knowledge of the department and 3 years of management experience within this company. it was given to a (non diverse) associate from another department (a department that does not have the same job description. side note: the supe is actually a very laid back and cool individual)

I contacted and filed complains with HR. only issue is HR is friendly with my management and sides with them no matter how much proof I provide that shows what I have dealt with and clears my name.

All this built up to what happened today. I was accused of stealing, I was accused of manipulating our system, accused of not calling back that very same customer I mentioned previously (which I didn't, which is difficult to do with an IT locked laptop, and I called and took care of said customer).

I am done. burnt out. I am anticipating another write up or getting fired in the next day or 2 and now whenever I hear the phone ring or Teams ring my stomach turns and my nerves get shot and currently I am typing this during my lunch debating on if I should return to work or just stop showing up. What should I do?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I know I may have screwed up on some grammar but had to type quickly. Feels damn good to get it off my chest.

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