
Management Changed Job Name, Glassdoor Says It’s a Paycut

Today in an all-hands meeting, my job title (and many other coworker’s) was changed from Deployment Engineer to Support Engineer. There was no announcement or notice prior to the meeting. Upon comparing the two titles, the average pay is around $10,000 less for the latter. My pay is currently staying the same (above the average for Deployment Engineer by a couple thousand). Should I be worried about anything going forward?

Today in an all-hands meeting, my job title (and many other coworker’s) was changed from Deployment Engineer to Support Engineer. There was no announcement or notice prior to the meeting.

Upon comparing the two titles, the average pay is around $10,000 less for the latter. My pay is currently staying the same (above the average for Deployment Engineer by a couple thousand).

Should I be worried about anything going forward?

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