
Management Coping Strategies

First, I love this sub. I honestly believe if it weren't for all of your stories I'd lose my mind. I find myself feeling a lot of solidarity – I would say it's been therapeutic. Apologies for formatting, as I'm on mobile. I started a new office job last year. More of a lateral move than anything – so nothing I havent dealt with before. I'm late 30's, but thus new job was a nice 25% bump in pay and good for my family (prior to this massive inflation). Then there's the boss. A narcissistic, boomer asshole that frequently talks about how much his retirement account has, that he doesn't need to work, already retired once, and this is just extra cash. Six figure type of extra cash. Taking up a spot which I am fully qualified for just because…I guess you need a massive amount of money to be…

First, I love this sub. I honestly believe if it weren't for all of your stories I'd lose my mind. I find myself feeling a lot of solidarity – I would say it's been therapeutic. Apologies for formatting, as I'm on mobile.

I started a new office job last year. More of a lateral move than anything – so nothing I havent dealt with before. I'm late 30's, but thus new job was a nice 25% bump in pay and good for my family (prior to this massive inflation).

Then there's the boss.

A narcissistic, boomer asshole that frequently talks about how much his retirement account has, that he doesn't need to work, already retired once, and this is just extra cash. Six figure type of extra cash. Taking up a spot which I am fully qualified for just because…I guess you need a massive amount of money to be happy???

Anyway, he calls my office nonstop. Calls me on Teams nonstop. Has me go to his office nonstop. Comes to mine nonstop. So I don't actually get anything done except talk – well, listen to him drone on and on.

When I'm in my office and he calls I immediately pick up my phone and start searching the web, texting, catching up on things, etc. He'll spend 30+ minutes on average about 4+ times a day talking about the same old shit – his objectives, goals, what needs completing, blah blah blah. I don't say anything (because he doesn't shut up long enough for you to) I occasionally add a, “yep,” “oh I know,” “gotcha,” etc. This doesn't include the multiple in-person visits every… single…day.

I quit getting worked up about things. NOTHING is an emergency unless someone is or could be hurt – contrary to the work environment. I've slowed my pace, because I've already been saddled with and doing the equivalent of 3 jobs. My health has deteriorated and both the doctor and dentist have taken notice. So, this is not ok.

So I've coped by slowing my pace and RESISTING the urge to speed up tasks. I half ass listen to my boss repeat himself multiple times a day. I take my 1 hour lunches instead of working though them. I go sit in the courtyard and watch the bird feeder. I'm not lazy, but I refuse to die early for a GD office job. I'm also looking for my exit and have been applying to other jobs. I've found the higher up I go in my field the more unreasonable stress that is placed. Fuck…that…shit. You only get once chance to live.

Thank you all for your inspirational stories. I probably would have had a stroke in the next 6 months if I had not woken up.

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