
management privileges

My boyfriend works from home and his manager fucking sucks. She just does whatever she wants and never actually works. Today she sent photos of her and her children biking while she was supposed to be the manager on duty! What kind kind of bs is that! Like Hey guys you better be working hard on your tasks. Make sure to get eveything done! Oh btw here's me and my kids out having fun while you're all doing my work for me!! I hate management privileges

My boyfriend works from home and his manager fucking sucks. She just does whatever she wants and never actually works. Today she sent photos of her and her children biking while she was supposed to be the manager on duty! What kind kind of bs is that! Like Hey guys you better be working hard on your tasks. Make sure to get eveything done! Oh btw here's me and my kids out having fun while you're all doing my work for me!! I hate management privileges

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