
Manager asks me to come in with COVID.

For context, I am 18 years old and I work in a UK supermarket on the checkouts, AKA where I would need to touch customers' food and other products. So this week I tested positive for COVID a couple times so I called in sick this morning. The person on the phone said for me to get well soon and all that, and that I should stay home until I have tested negative for 5 days. Also, that I should call in sick the next day too just so they can put it on their record. (Today is Saturday; I work Saturdays and Sundays) At 4 I look at my phone and see 2 missed calls from my manager, and a voicemail that has them asking where I am, I should have started at 3. I call my manager and say I called in sick, I have COVID. They ask…

For context, I am 18 years old and I work in a UK supermarket on the checkouts, AKA where I would need to touch customers' food and other products.

So this week I tested positive for COVID a couple times so I called in sick this morning. The person on the phone said for me to get well soon and all that, and that I should stay home until I have tested negative for 5 days. Also, that I should call in sick the next day too just so they can put it on their record. (Today is Saturday; I work Saturdays and Sundays)

At 4 I look at my phone and see 2 missed calls from my manager, and a voicemail that has them asking where I am, I should have started at 3.

I call my manager and say I called in sick, I have COVID. They ask what my symptoms were, and then said we'll treat it like a cold. I told her I didn't want to give it to anyone else. There are 2 other people in my household who are testing positive, is what I should have added. She then said, “you can come in tomorrow right?”. Because I felt no other way to dispute it, I just said yes and then we ended the call.

I handed my notice in a couple weeks ago, and my last day is the 30th. But I feel so anxious. Even if I have tested negative for a few days, it doesn't feel right to suddenly be around customers and colleagues when I have been near people with COVID. Now I have to take the fall for coming in and I don't know what to do.

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