
Manager Doesn’t Understand Science

Hey people 🙂 Been a lurker for awhile now just want to say thanks for being an empowering force and teaching me to have some self respect rather than being a slave to compromising positions that I do not want to be in. So basically, today, I was filling unwell and say I would like to be checked for the 19 virus since it sucks if I am a carrier and spreads to other people (We teach kids robotics) 🤖 As soon as I say I am going to go checked out by a certified doctor (more qualified then this manager will ever be) This scumbag had the audacity to say that if a self administered test is negative I MUST come. Does this fool not understand that by doing so not only am I putting myself into harm but potentially others as well? Especially with kids involved? This absolute…

Hey people 🙂 Been a lurker for awhile now just want to say thanks for being an empowering force and teaching me to have some self respect rather than being a slave to compromising positions that I do not want to be in. So basically, today, I was filling unwell and say I would like to be checked for the 19 virus since it sucks if I am a carrier and spreads to other people (We teach kids robotics) 🤖 As soon as I say I am going to go checked out by a certified doctor (more qualified then this manager will ever be) This scumbag had the audacity to say that if a self administered test is negative I MUST come. Does this fool not understand that by doing so not only am I putting myself into harm but potentially others as well? Especially with kids involved? This absolute clown does not take science into account despite wanting to teach STEM to kids. TLDR: Joke of a person wants to play doctor, glad I don’t compromise anymore (avoided putting gender into here since it’s irrelevant to being a scumbag)

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